
Monday, March 7, 2011

Step No. 13 - Let loose some flatulence while on an exercise ball

Just the right angle for maximum resonance
This angle should produce "maximal frequency oscillation"
This one was suggested by a friend who is, apparently, much more familiar with this piece of equipment than I am. I recognise the difficulty of working with an exercise ball which is largely why I avoid it. I am no stranger to the art of subtle public flatulence. It's easy to wait until a fire engine roars past before one lets one go, or even near a construction site that provides enough noise to cover even the more ferocious of colonic roars. What I propose here is not to be subtle, but just the opposite: Be painfully obtrusive.

 Of course, one will want to practice at home to find a position that delivers optimal resonance with maximal frequency oscillation. When you're ready, wait until you're in an exercise studio and in position before you unleash the fury.

 I guarantee that you'll either clear the room or be the catalyst for an awkward silence that will linger more heavily than the resultant sulfury effervescence.

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